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Recent studies from the National Association of Realtors reveal that 43% of potential buyers hop online to check out homes before reaching out to an agent. An overwhelming 97% also do some online house hunting during their search. If those stats don’t shout, “Tune up your real estate marketing game,” I don’t know what does!

Nailing your marketing game is the ticket to becoming a standout real estate agent in your locale. Check out four tried-and-true real estate marketing strategies for guaranteed success below.

Key Real Estate Marketing Strategies

The real estate scene is a tough battleground and has undergone significant changes over the years. Toss in the pandemic, which firmly nudged real estate into the digital realm. So, what’s your move to stand out? Follow these four tips to sprinkle a bit more magic into your marketing.

1. Build your brand.

Having a robust brand is essential for positioning yourself as an expert and showcasing your skills. Your brand is essentially YOU, and you want it to shout, “This is who I am and what I can do. 

It’s crucial to create a brand that’s truly yours. A top-notch real estate marketing move is to pinpoint your “AND.” Your “AND” is that standout, memorable thing about you beyond your career that you can connect with real estate. It’s that unique touch that attracts both buyers and sellers, making you unforgettable.

Real estate agents are all over the place. Be the one with the “AND” that folks remember and can connect with. Your “AND” opens doors to building connections and trust with potential clients.

Phase One:  Build Your Core Identity.

As a real estate agent, your fundamental identity includes your “AND,” along with your brand positioning, visual identity, digital anchors, and more. This core identity distinguishes you in a sea of agents.

Phase Two:  Create Consistent Content.

Keep the leads flowing and listings coming in by consistently posting online content that resonates with your core identity, keeping you front and center in the minds of your ideal clients.

Phase Three:  Shout it from the Mountaintops.

Harness the power of your local press and community to broadcast your brand far and wide, keeping people buzzing about you even when you’re not around. This means actively seeking speaking gigs, reaching out to the press, and securing coverage in local media.

 Build a strong visual identity.

Creating a brand goes beyond slapping on a logo and picking a few colors. You’ve got to nail down a strong visual identity. It’s the visible face of your brand, influencing how people see your business. Pay attention to these four key points to shape your visual identity.

1. Your brand color

.When picking colors, consider the emotions you want to stir up. Sure, something might seem cool, but does it match the message you want to convey about your business?

2. Your typography

The typeface you go for makes a difference. Fonts carry meaning and have their personalities. With plenty to choose from, go for something that gives off the vibe you’re aiming for.

3. Your logo

Think of your logo as an investment in your business. If possible, get a pro to design it for you. You don’t have to drop a ton of cash. Look for a designer within your budget who can craft a logo that truly reflects who you are.

4. Photography

You gotta have two kinds of photos to show off your online visual identity—headshots and lifestyle snaps. Keep in mind: YOU are the face of your business. You want folks to know you. Headshots are the formal, professional pics for your website and marketing stuff. Lifestyle pics capture you doing things you love. These images help potential clients relate to you as a person, not just an agent. A strong visual identity, along with your brand, builds your identity in the marketplace.

Create a digital presence.

The real estate market is booming in the digital realm. You’ve got four key anchors to boost your digital presence.

A website

A website puts the spotlight on your brand, sharing the story of who you are and what you can do for potential clients. Keep your website clean and clutter-free because people want to find what they need without a scavenger hunt. Ensure it’s mobile-friendly and features a call-to-action button to guide clients your way.

Professional email address

Your email address plays a role in how people see you online. It’s usually a good move to kick off your professional email with your brokerage domain. This links you with the brokerage you’re part of. As you build your clientele and a fan base, you can later switch to a personal email domain if you prefer.

Google business page

Nine out of ten homebuyers head to the Internet for their primary search, and guess where they look? Google. Setting up a Google business page directs a flood of potential clients straight to you.

Facebook Business Your

 Facebook business page mirrors your brand’s visual identity and should center around YOU. It’s not about your team or brokerage. Get your friends on board to give your page a thumbs up, and kickstart the process of connecting and broadening your network.

 Include a call-to-action that directs people to your website, lets them browse the properties you have for sale, or allows them to join your email list. Your Facebook business page is one more chance to show off who you are and what you can do for your clients.

Folks prefer buying from someone they trust. The first vibes they get from you happen through your digital presence. The various digital platforms you opt for will draw in different kinds of leads but always remember that your core identity should consistently stand out when people look you up online.

 Build strong relationships with your clients

Real estate revolves around relationships. People aren’t looking to be sold; they want to shop with friends! If a client has a positive experience with you, you become the person they recommend to friends and family when they need a real estate agent. Referrals are like the Holy Grail in real estate leads because folks trust recommendations from those close to them. Here are some ways to stay connected with your clients:

1. Send a handwritten note. 

2. Give your clients a warm welcome to their new neighborhoods with a care package filled with local products or gift cards to nearby restaurants and attractions.

3. Stay on top of important dates like birthdays and anniversaries, and give your clients a quick call.

These little gestures make a big impact on a client’s mind. They’ll recall your name when a friend or family member needs a real estate agent.

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