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15 Best Small Business Inventory Software for Small Businesses

Finding the perfect small business inventory software can be tricky, but it’s worth it. The right system can turn inventory management from a headache into a breeze. In this article, we’ve rounded up the top 15 choices for small business inventory software. Let’s dive into each one to help you choose the best fit for your needs.

What Does Inventory Management Software Do

Inventory management software is crucial for businesses to keep their inventory levels in check, cut costs, and boost customer satisfaction. Here are five important features you’ll find in inventory management software

Warehouse Management

Inventory management software assists businesses in tracking their inventory across various warehouses and locations.

Inventory Data

Having real-time data on inventory levels, sales, and shipments enables businesses to make informed decisions about inventory management.

Low Stock Alerts

Automated notifications for low stock levels help businesses steer clear of stockouts and enhance order fulfillment rates.

Barcode Scanning Capabilities

Inventory management software with barcode scanning capabilities makes inventory management smoother and reduces errors.

Advanced Reporting

Inventory management software with advanced reporting features gives you insights into inventory turnover rates, order lead times, and other critical metrics.

Make sure to circle back and check out this supplemental video titled “How to Manage Inventory for a Small Handmade Business” to see how folks use small business inventory software in real-world scenarios.

Why Would Small Business Owners Need an Inventory Management System?

Small business owners need an inventory management system to accurately track inventory levels, streamline order fulfillment, and optimize the supply chain. This can help cut costs, enhance cash flow, and ultimately boost profitability.

Choosing the Best Inventory Management Software for Small Business: Our Methodology

Choosing the right small business inventory software is crucial for managing stock levels, tracking sales, and planning purchases. Here’s how we evaluate inventory software, rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most important:

Ease of Use (5/5):

  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Fast setup and onboarding
  • Intuitive navigation and operations

Integration Capabilities (4/5):

  • Works well with other business software (like accounting or POS systems)
  • Syncs data smoothly
  • Has an API for custom integrations.

Real-Time Inventory Tracking (5/5):

  • Keeps stock levels updated accurately and in real-time
  • Sends automatic re-order notifications
  • Tracks inventory across multiple locations

Reporting and Analytics (4/5):

  • Offers detailed reporting features
  • Customizes dashboards with important metrics
  • Provides insights based on data for optimizing inventory
  • Scalability (4/5)
  • Can adapt to business growth
  • Allows for adding new products, users, and locations
  • Offers scalable pricing options

Customer Support (4/5)

  • Availability and quality of customer service
  • Access to training resources and tutorials
  • Support channels (email, phone, chat)

Cost-Effectiveness (4/5):

  • Transparent and competitive pricing
  • Various pricing plans for different business sizes
  • Free trial or demo availability

Inventory Forecasting (3/5):

  • Tools for demand forecasting and planning
  • Seasonality and trends analysis
  • Restock predictions

Mobile Accessibility (3/5):

  • We need a mobile app or a website that’s easy to use on phones and tablets.
  • It should work well on all devices, like smartphones and tablets.
  • And it should have all the same functions as the desktop version.

Security and Reliability (5/5):

  • We want strong security and encryption for our data.
  • We need regular backups and a system that’s always up and running smoothly.
  • And, of course, we have to follow all the rules about protecting people’s data.

By carefully evaluating each inventory software option against these standards, we aim to provide small business owners with a range of tools that not only make their inventory management easier but also help boost their efficiency and business expansion.

15 of the Best Inventory Management Software for Small Businesses

We’ve put together 15 of the top inventory management systems and software choices for small businesses, each with its own special features and pricing options.

1. Cin7

Cin7’s an easy-to-use inventory management software and growth platform that automates order management from start to finish across various sales channels. They offer two solutions: Cin7 Omni for sales across any channel and Cin7 Core for smoother operations.

2. Zoho Inventory

Zoho Inventory offers inventory management software that integrates with multiple platforms, tracks everything from start to finish, provides multiple shipping options, integrates with accounting/CRM systems, and includes warehouse management features. They offer different pricing plans and accessibility through a mobile app.

3. InFlow Inventory

InFlow inventory software makes managing inventory easier for businesses all around the world. With features like barcode scanning, order fulfillment, and real-time inventory tracking, it helps streamline operations. Plus, you can try it out with a 14-day free trial, and there are no setup fees. It also integrates seamlessly with over 95 platforms.

4. Ordoro

Ordoro’s an all-in-one platform for online merchants, giving you affordable shipping, real-time inventory tracking, and simplified order management. It’s won top performer awards and offers flexible pricing plans.

5. Brightpearl

Brightpearl provides a retail operating system to automate operations, inventory planning, sales analytics, and integrations. Over 5,000 brands use it to handle supply chain disruptions and capitalize on growth opportunities. They offer expert support, too.

6. Lightspeed Restaurant (Upserve)

Lightspeed Restaurant (U-Series) is your all-in-one management platform for restaurant businesses, even those with multiple locations. It covers everything from hardware to support and app updates. Lightspeed’s acquisition of Upserve in 2020 has further enriched its offerings for merchants worldwide.

7. Fishbowl

Fishbowl gives you flexible ERP software to manage inventory, warehousing, and manufacturing processes efficiently. It provides real-time visibility, a platform ready for compliance, and integrates seamlessly with popular business tools like QuickBooks, Salesforce, and Shopify.

8. Quickbooks Intuit

QuickBooks Online keeps track of inventory with real-time updates and reports, including alerts for low stock and notifications for back orders. It syncs with popular apps and gives you inventory insights through various reports. Plus, the Advanced plans offer extra features.

9. Lightspeed Retail

Lightspeed Retail gives you a complete POS system for managing sales channels, inventory, and analytics all in one platform. It comes with user-friendly features like quick checkout, inventory management, retail analytics, integrated payment processing, and integrations with other business software.

10. Sortly

Sortly’s an inventory management software made for small businesses. It comes with features like organizing, managing, reporting, and syncing inventory across devices. Plus, it has a mobile app for tracking inventory on the go. You can try Sortly for free with various pricing plans available.

11. FreshBooks Accounting Software

FreshBooks provides accounting and invoicing software for businesses of all sizes. Its tools cover invoicing, accounting software, payments, expenses, time tracking, projects, and reporting. FreshBooks integrates with over 100 apps and offers support from a highly knowledgeable team. You can try it out with a 30-day free trial, and it’s earned excellent ratings based on customer reviews.

12. Veeqo

Veeqo, a shipping software that’s free to use, provides low rates, automation, and inventory tools to make picking, packing, and shipping easier. Integration with Amazon gives you perks like discounted rates and secure data. It also offers powerful features such as inventory control, mobile picking, and analytics.

13. Katana

Katana is a cloud-based manufacturing software that gives you inventory, production, accounting, and real-time data management. It integrates with various business tools and offers total control over your shop floor and order management across multiple channels. It’s a scalable solution, serving customers from hobby makers to multi-million dollar businesses.

14. ShipBob Merchant Plus

ShipBob’s Merchant Plus gives you an all-in-one cloud-based warehouse inventory management solution that simplifies inventory, orders, picking and packing, shipping, reporting, and analytics. The easy-to-use software offers a blended fulfillment option, letting businesses access available capacity across ShipBob’s 40+ warehouses worldwide.

15. Netsuite

NetSuite Inventory Management is a software that gives you real-time visibility of inventory across all locations and sales channels, helping businesses cut costs while meeting customer expectations. It automates inventory tracking, demand-based planning, and reduces manual processes, challenges, and excessive handling. The pricing includes an annual license fee with optional modules and a one-time implementation fee.

No.SoftwareKey FeaturesPricing
1Cin7End-to-end order management, two solutions: Omni & CoreContact for details
2Zoho InventoryMulti-platform integrations, end-to-end tracking, multiple shipping options, accounting/CRM integrations, and warehouse managementVarious plans
3InFlow InventoryBarcode scanning, order fulfillment, real-time inventory tracking, 14-day free trialContact for details
4OrdoroAffordable shipping, real-time inventory tracking, consolidated order managementFlexible pricing plans
5BrightpearlAutomation of operations, inventory planning, sales analytics, and integrations
6Lightspeed Restaurant (Upserve)One-stop management platform, solutions for hardware, support, and app updatesContact for details
7FishbowlERP software for inventory, warehousing, and manufacturing processesContact for details
8QuickBooks IntuitInventory tracking with real-time updates and reports, syncs with popular appsPlus and Advanced plans
9Lightspeed RetailPOS system for managing sales channels, inventory, and analyticsContact for details
10SortlyOrganizing, managing, reporting, and synchronization of inventory across devicesFree trial with multiple pricing plans
11FreshBooks Accounting SoftwareInvoicing, accounting software, payments, expenses, time tracking, projects, reporting30-day free trial
12VeeqoLow rates, automation, inventory tools for pick, pack, and shippingContact for details
13KatanaCloud-based manufacturing software for inventory, production, accounting, and real-time data managementContact for details
14ShipBob Merchant PlusAll-in-one cloud-based warehouse inventory managementContact for details
15NetSuiteReal-time visibility of inventory, reduces costs, minimizes manual processesAnnual license fee with optional modules and one-time implementation fee

How Much Does Inventory Management Software Cost for a Small Business?

Here’s a more detailed breakdown:

Software Features:

The software’s price depends a lot on the features it has. Basic inventory management software might just track inventory levels and make simple reports. But more advanced systems could let you sell on multiple channels, give detailed reports, integrate with other business systems, offer predictive analytics, and automate complex processes. The fancier the features, the more it’ll probably cost.

Number of Users:

The cost of inventory management software usually goes up based on how many users or licenses you need. For small businesses with a small team, this might not affect the cost much. But as the team gets bigger, the cost can go up.

Deployment Model:

Deciding between on-premise and cloud-based software can also impact the price. On-premise solutions usually need a bigger upfront investment for buying and installing the software, but they might have lower ongoing costs. Cloud-based solutions, though, generally have lower upfront costs but need a monthly or yearly subscription fee.

Vendor Support and Updates:

Some vendors might charge extra for support services and keeping the software updated regularly. It’s important to think about this as part of the total cost.

Training and Implementation: 

Depending on how complex the software is, there might be costs for training your staff to use it and getting it set up in your business.

Considering these factors, a simple inventory management software could start at around $50 per month, while more intricate systems with advanced features might run into several hundred dollars per month. In some instances, costs could even reach into the thousands per month for comprehensive, fully integrated systems.

It’s also crucial to remember that if you’re aiming to expand your business, you’ll need scalable and adaptable inventory software. So, besides cost, factors like scalability, user-friendliness, and integration capabilities should also be considered.

Choosing the Right Inventory Tracking Software

Selecting the appropriate inventory tracking software for your business means thinking about your business’s specific requirements, such as the number of products, sales channels, and warehouses. For instance, if you sell on marketplace sites, you might prioritize eBay inventory management tools, while businesses with physical stores should look for features that help track inventory in-person. Other crucial factors to think about include how easy the software is to use, the cost, and the level of customer support provided.

The Bottom Line

Having the right inventory management software can help small businesses tackle inventory issues, cut costs, and boost customer satisfaction. The 15 top small business inventory software options we’ve discussed in this article offer various features and pricing plans to meet different business requirements. By investing in inventory management apps and integrating them with invoicing software, businesses can streamline their retail inventory management process and concentrate on growth, instead of worrying about startup costs.

Inventory Management Software for Small Business FAQs

What is the Best Software to Keep Track of Inventory?

The ideal inventory management software varies based on your business’s unique needs. Some popular choices include Zoho Inventory, Cin7, and InFlow Inventory. Make sure to explore other inventory management software options to make a well-informed decision that suits your business requirements.

Does Quickbooks Have an Inventory System?

Absolutely! QuickBooks does have an inventory system that keeps tabs on inventory levels, costs, and sales. However, it might not be the best fit for businesses with intricate inventory management requirements.

What is The Best Way to Keep Track of Inventory for a Small Business?

The most effective way to manage inventory for a small business is to use inventory management software with features like real-time tracking, low-stock alerts, and analytics. If you’re on a tight budget, you might want to look into free inventory management software options.

What is the Easiest Way to Keep Track of Inventory?

The simplest way to handle inventory is by using barcode scanning inventory management software. This gets rid of manual data entry and cuts down on mistakes. Software options like Wasp Inventory Control and EZOfficeInventory are user-friendly and come with barcode scanning features.

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